Thursday 14 August 2014

How to Prevent Injuries when Using our Dance Barres

More and more people are discovering the benefits of using a dance barre to stay physically fit. The key to any good exercise program involves injury prevention, and here are just a few ways you can stay safe on the barre.

The most common injuries involve the lower back, feet and hips, and are typically caused by poor form. To avoid these common injuries, you should focus on keeping your spine long and avoid excessive “pelvic tucks.” Ideally, you should feel no strain whatsoever when tucking your pelvis under if your body is positioned properly.

Another way to ensure you maintain a long spine is to pull your abs in and up while exercising. Avoid the urge to compress your abs, as this could actually cause a strain in your lower back instead.

Many people have a tendency to develop foot injuries after performing repeated relevés, which involve lifting the heel off the ground and balancing yourself. If performing high relevés causes you foot pain, lower your position somewhat or wear sneakers with arch supports rather than ballet shoes.

You may want to adjust your position when performing turnouts as well. In the beginning, turn your feet outward at approximately a 45-degree angle, and then adjust your position as needed to relieve any strain on your knees and hips. The ideal position should feel very natural rather than being awkward or forced.

Working out in front of a mirror is another excellent way to ensure you use correct form and maintain good posture throughout your workout. Using a mirror can also help you build confidence, since you are likely to become more fluid and graceful as you advance.

The right ballet barre can also play an important role in ensuring you stay injury free. Here at Boss Ballet Barres, we have one of the widest selections available, and invite you to contact us to find out more.

1 comment:

  1. The information which you have provided is very good and essential for everyone. Keep sharing this kind of information. Thank you. Injury Prevention Specialist Australia
