Tuesday, 8 May 2012

Back from the RDA - What a Success!

Well, things mostly went off like clockwork at our debut at the RDA National Festival.  We had an amazing set-up and tear-down crew, great support from the staff at the Palais des Congres in Montreal, and incredibly positive comments about our barres from the RDA and the dancers and teachers that used them.  Take a look at some of our pictures, below.

Geert and Joel in the set up room, assembling barres:
 Our booth after initial set-up:

Geoff and Doug manning the booth:

Amy and Mary-Ann making our booth look great!
Ayisha McMillan demonstrating our barres:

Amy using our barres:
Dancers setting up our barres for an audition session:

 Signage directing attendees to our booth:
Getting ready for a performance at Place des Arts in Montreal:
Our barres come out, and the tables and stage go into a huge hall for the Gala:
 Geert and Dave heading up the tear-down:

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